Melissa Brookmire

Being a photographer is something I do, first and foremost, for myself. It allows me to get out and explore with my camera. There are times when I set out with a specific goal in mind, and fail miserably, but that’s okay because I usually find something else that catches my eye and interest…a really cool old barn, a rusty car sitting in a field, fishing boats, or funky abstract stuff, which most people don’t get, but something I enjoy. And sometimes, if I’m really lucky, I find wildlife in their natural habitat…this is the best of all. I get so much joy from finding and observing wildlife, whether it’s a very common black-tailed deer, a backyard bird, a coyote hunting in a field, or whales breaching just off shore. Pure joy.

I love to share the obvious beauty in hopes that it will brighten someone’s day, but I also love to share the not so obvious, in hopes that it will encourage someone to take a little more time to look around, be more aware of their surroundings, find beauty where it’s not always obvious, receive joy, which is something we all need a little more of in our daily lives.

Thanks for looking, and have a beautiful day!

Melissa Brookmire