David Ebner

David Ebner has designed and created memorable art for Television and Cinema since he was 18 years of age. Listed by Wired Magazine as one of Hollywood’s most creative individuals, Ebner has contributed to over 70 teature films and has worked with notable auteurs such as Steven Spielberg, Guillermo Del Toro, Martin Scorsese, Tim Burton, Stephen Sommers Francis Ford Coppola, Taylor Hacktord, David Fincher, John Woo, Frank Darabont, among others

While only 22 years of age, Dateline NBC and Entertainment Tonight, the two leading cable programs were branded with title graphics created by Ebner and his team. On top of that, Ebner oversaw the graphics for HBO, Nat Geo Channel, ESPN,

skybox, among others, winning bUA and Fromaxx awards.

Ebner joined Guillermo Del loro for Hellboy, then as a producer and production partner for Pan’s Labyrinth, in which his team created the visual eftects. winnina over 1OU film testival awards and won the best in show at SiaGraoh’s Electronic |heater.

representing the very best in Visual Effects work that year

As the Creative Director and Senior VFX Supervisor of Catetx, his team created the films for Universal Studio’s “Wizarding) World of Harry Potter.” It is still considered the most successtul theme park addition, with an immediate boost of 1 million

annual attendees to the park

Due to Loners talents in art direction, toner was invited to direct a stage show, “Long one Dinosaurs which has been visited

Ebner’s watercolor, pencil and acrylic paintings reflect the emotion, passion, and teelings which percolate in his creative mind, drawing upon nature and imaginative inspirations as well as fascination by the works of Winslow Homer, Franz Marc, Claude Lorrain, Georgia O’Keete, and master watercolor artist John Ebner

Just as he has for many film directors, Ebner often reaches within for new possibilities and exploration to delight people, often The case with groundbreaking visuals That nave never been seen perore

About the Paintings:

Substates, fen, Eonet mes meatums and explotes unique hark making to emphasize a fecing.

The paints and substrate preparation are of the ninest quality to ensure richness or colors and longevity.

Limited Edition prints are Museum Grade Giclees, which will last two hundred to four hundred years if carea lor droperly.
